अस्तित्वम् तत् सत्।
It is written in Manusmriti “Dharmo Rakshati Rakshitah”, which means, “Truth protects the one who protects Truth”.
Volunteer-ship | Astitvam Foundation
Greatest things happen when all the members of a group take on roles that highlight their Experience of Life, Positive Skills & the Revolutionary Vision. Astitvam Reformers are the root hairs of the Astitvam Group’s Taproot. Their multitasking ability and creative mindset always help the organization, as they belong to different Societies, Cultures, Localities and Streams. Few of the members have been working on their streams for more than 10 years. They’re passionately reforming the different branches of the Environment, Culture, Education, and Tradition Etc. Astitvam Foundation thank them for volunteering their precious Time, Dedication and Expertise. AF appreciate them and everything they do towards social reformation.
ASTITVAM believes that volunteerism is a powerful means of engaging people in reforming the universe through various social changes worldwide. Everyone with a noble vision can contribute their precious time, skills, knowledge, experience or assets through our growing queues. Your Desires, Your Efforts & Your Dedication always inspires us to create a better world for everyone around us. This is the time to water & manure the Astitvam’s Banyan tree. It is our belief that many future generations will find ecstatic pleasure in the shade of this tree. An ancient proverb proves our journey: “there is delay but no denial” or in other words, “God’s mill grinds slowly but surely.”
Volunteering is the meaningful time, willingly given for the common good and without financial gain. There are so many kinds of volunteer opportunities, that you’re free to choose a segment according to your individual interests and blessed skills. Few of the opportunities are mentioned here; Environmental Volunteering (Farming, Horticulture, Homestay, Ecovillages and Environmental Conservation), Volunteer for Employment Generation (Local illiterate peoples, skilled artists, experienced labors), Volunteering with Animals (Animal Farms, Wildlife Conservation, Animal Rescue and Animal Care), Volunteering For Social Impact (Children and Youth NGOs, Education & Teaching, Community Development, Women’s Empowerment), Volunteering in Health Care (Health Care, Holistic Centers), Tourism & Culture Related Volunteering (Hostel/Guest House Administration, Digital Marketing, Cultural Events, Conservation of Traditional Resources, SEO and Web Development), and etc.
“Reforming ourselves is better than reforming universe.” – Astitvam Foundation
The Astitvam Foundation works to promote the Revival of Traditions, the Reformation of the Universe, a Healthy Environment and Creative Education. Few Prime Objectives of AF are mentioned here;
Volunteerism benefits the community and the members/reformers associated with it. Volunteer work is unpaid, as it is always a matter of choice. Volunteering is an activity performed in the not for profit sector only. Volunteering is not a substitute for paid work. Volunteering promotes human rights and equality; as it respects the rights, dignity and culture of others.
The Astitvam isn’t pushing anyone towards any revolutionary movement but the group is inspiring everyone to “BE THE REVOLUTION”
If you would love to be, kindly join us.
Reform Universe, Tending Temples, Secure Traditions & Feed Universe.
Since 2012, the compassionate determination and positive vision to create a better Society & Environment was started in 2021 through the registration of “ASTITVAM FOUNDATION”, a Non Governmental Organization. Astitvam Foundation is functioning for Healthy Environment, Creative Education, Reviving Traditions and Reforming Universe. An ancient proverb proves our motive and journey, states: “there is delay but no denial” or in other words, “God’s mill grinds slowly but surely.”
“Reforming ourselves is better than reforming universe.” – Team Astitvam
The Astitvam Foundation isn’t pushing anyone towards any revolutionary movement but the group is inspiring everyone to “BE THE REVOLUTION”
If you know that you wanna be, kindly join us. Because, only you can change your whole universe.
Nainital, Uttarakhand
For more details, suggestions or enquiries; Mail us at [email protected]
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