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astitvam foundation

अस्तित्वम् तत् सत्।

It is written in Manusmriti “Dharmo Rakshati Rakshitah”, which means “Truth protects the one who protects Truth”.

Frequently Asked Questions

Solve here your quarries. If you'll not be able to find your answers, kindly mail us at [email protected]

Is Astitvam Foundation a registered entity?

Yes, Astitvam Foundation is registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 (Central Act, 21 of 1860)

How long has the Astitvam Foundation been functioning?

The founding members of Astitvam Foundation have been continuously working for the Social Upliftment of Bright Youths and Skilled Entrepreneurs in the State of Uttarakhand for the last 9 years. Since 2012, the determination and positive vision to create a better Society & Environment, was started in 2021 through the registration of “ASTITVAM FOUNDATION”, a Non-Governmental Organization.
The Astitvam Foundation does not force anyone to be a part of any revolutionary movement, but rather encourages everyone to be the revolution.


“Reforming ourselves is better than reforming the universe.” -Astitvam Foundation

What does Astitvam Foundation do?

Astitvam Foundation is functioning for Healthy Environment, Creative Education, Reviving Traditions & Reforming Universe.
Team AF is mainly working in the Uttarakhand state of India through various forms of social activities like cleanliness drives, reviving ancient water resources, securing rare traditions, promoting rich culture, and motivating people regarding their moral responsibilities, etc.

What are the Prime objectives of AF?

The list is much longer than our resources, but AF is still trying to cover all the major issues through its social activists, volunteers, and Astitvam Reformers. A few prime objectives are mentioned here.


🔸Providing Creative & Spiritual Education To The Youth. Devloping Their Creative Skills. (Painting, Carving, Handicrafts & Sculpture etc.)
🔸Plantation, Plant Distribution & Plant Conservation For The Environment.
🔸Reforming Water Resources & Conservation of ancient Water Sources.
🔸Animal Serving, Rescue & Feeding.
🔸Working for the Reformation, Re-Construction and Beautification of the damaged and abandoned Temples, through conservation of rock carving art.
🔸Securing Traditional Houses, Ancient Resources, Art Forms & Rich Culture.

What is the source of funding to the AF?

For the past several years, AF has been spending its own capital collected from the core team members of Astitvam Foundation. AF hadn’t gotten any grants from governmental organizations yet for its projects.
Through this website, AF is asking for donations to expand its reforming functionalities. AF never asked for it earlier, i.e., till 2021.

Is anybody can be the Astitvam Reformer?

Anybody can perform various reforming activities by volunteering to AF. Volunteering is not only an activity but also an emotion that always puts one in an ecstatic state by helping and healing someone.
Yes, anyone can be an Astitvam Reformer, but there are a few conditions for being a volunteer for AF.

  • Volunteers must not be involved in any criminal or fraudulent activity.
  • As a volunteer, never sexually abuse or mentally harass another person.
  • A volunteer should never be a short-tempered or mentally disturbed person.
  • Volunteering activities must not be done in any kind of intoxicated condition.
Is it a secured website to share personal information and to make online payments?

Yes, every byte of the provided information is kept safe by the Technical Team of AF. Any personal information will never be disclosed, in any circumstances, to any person or organization. This website is safe for any kind of financial transaction. The payment gateway is also a third-party payment gateway recognized by the financial institutions under the government of India. So, any transaction is also thoroughly secured. AF doesn’t share information about volunteers or donors with anybody or any other organization under our privacy policy.

What is the Corporate Partnership? How can any organisation be the Corporate Partner to AF?

A corporate partnership is a mutually beneficial relationship formed between a charitable organization and for-profit businesses. In other words, it’s a collaboration with a fixed timeline to achieve a few focused objectives through various activities like events, campaigns, programmes, and projects. It usually involves a non-profit organization receiving funds, goods, or services in exchange for something the corporate partner sees as beneficial.

Through a CPAF (Corporate Partner Application Form), you can be the revolution by connecting your organization/institution/business to AF, one of the most reputable non-governmental organizations.

Why are the companies interested in corporate partnerships? Why should your business have a partnership with non-profit organization?

Customers, investors, and governments are asking companies how their activities uplift lives and improve the world. Social investment through charity partnerships is one way that businesses are answering those questions while also improving their bottom line.

The researchers of US-based research company IO Sustainability LLC worked with eight leading companies across sectors. According to their report, social investments, including partnerships with non-governmental organisations (NGOs), can deliver up to a 6% increase in share price, a 20% increase in sales, a 13% jump in productivity, a 50% decrease in employee turnover, and a boost to reputation worth up to 11% of a company’s market cap.
Businesses benefit on multiple levels from charity partnerships. Volunteer opportunities and internal communication about the projects’ journeys and successes make employees more sensitive to the communities in which they work as well as create goodwill and loyalty toward the employer. For some time now, consumers have been willing to pay more and stay loyal to brands that are seen as ethical and sustainable.

Can I help AF through miscellaneous donations?

Yes, AF loves your kindness.
If you want, you can donate to us whatever you have in abundance, whether it is manpower, whether it is food, whether it is resources, whether it is land. Everything in the basket can be delivered to everybody who needs it.

Bless us so we can spread your blessings around.

I can promote the website & social media pages of AF. Will AF pay me for it?

AF volunteers and the post readers are promoting our ideology for a noble cause. Astitvam Foundation will definitely consider this revolutionary act of kindness if AF’s comprehensive vision is able to spread all over the world just because of you. This would definitely be appreciated by AF.
You’ll not be paid by money but by love.
For the same reason, AF respects you.


Information about the body segments of Astitvam Foundation, a registered Non Profit Organization.


Information about the body segments of Astitvam Foundation, a registered Non Profit Organization.


Information about the body segments of Astitvam Foundation, a registered Non Profit Organization.


Information about the body segments of Astitvam Foundation, a registered Non Profit Organization.


Information about the body segments of Astitvam Foundation, a registered Non Profit Organization.


Reform Universe, Tending Temples, Secure Traditions & Feed Universe.


Alluring Melody of Cultures, Traditions, Rituals, Structures and Legislations.

astitvam foundation