अस्तित्वम् तत् सत्।
It is written in Manusmriti “Dharmo Rakshati Rakshitah”, which means, “Truth protects the one who protects Truth”.
Corporate Partnership | Astitvam Foundation
A corporate partnership is a mutually beneficial relationship formed between a charitable organization and for-profit businesses. In other words, it’s a collaboration with a fixed timeline to achieve a few focused objectives through various activities like events, campaigns, programmes, and projects. It usually involves a non-profit organisation receiving funds, goods, or services in exchange for something the corporate partner sees as beneficial.
Customers, investors, and governments are asking companies how their activities uplift lives and improve the world. Social investment through charity partnerships is one way that businesses are answering those questions while also improving their bottom line.
The researchers of US-based research company IO Sustainability LLC worked with eight leading companies across sectors. According to their report, social investments, including partnerships with non-governmental organisations (NGOs), can deliver up to a 6% increase in share price, a 20% increase in sales, a 13% jump in productivity, a 50% decrease in employee turnover, and a boost to reputation worth up to 11% of a company’s market cap.
Businesses benefit on multiple levels from charity partnerships. Volunteer opportunities and internal communication about the projects’ journeys and successes make employees more sensitive to the communities in which they work as well as create goodwill and loyalty toward the employer. For some time now, consumers have been willing to pay more and stay loyal to brands that are seen as ethical and sustainable.
Through a CPAF (Corporate Partnership Application Form), you can serve and reform the universe by connecting your organization/institution/business to the Astitvam Foundation, one of the most reputable non-governmental organizations. AF is currently functioning for a healthy environment, creative education, reviving traditions and reforming the universe.
Reform Universe, Tending Temples, Secure Traditions & Feed Universe.
Since 2012, the compassionate determination and positive vision to create a better Society & Environment was started in 2021 through the registration of “ASTITVAM FOUNDATION”, a Non Governmental Organization. Astitvam Foundation is functioning for Healthy Environment, Creative Education, Reviving Traditions and Reforming Universe. An ancient proverb proves our motive and journey, states: “there is delay but no denial” or in other words, “God’s mill grinds slowly but surely.”
“Reforming ourselves is better than reforming universe.” – Team Astitvam
The Astitvam Foundation isn’t pushing anyone towards any revolutionary movement but the group is inspiring everyone to “BE THE REVOLUTION”
If you know that you wanna be, kindly join us. Because, only you can change your whole universe.
Nainital, Uttarakhand
For more details, suggestions or enquiries; Mail us at [email protected]
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